Intrinsic Motivation for the Classroom

Bring on the i.

I just finished reading several books about intrinsic motivation. None of the research is new, so why aren’t we incorporating intrinsic motivation into the classroom more?

Here are a few ideas I have on how to add some i to your classroom.

intrinsic motivation


Book to add to the reading list:

Why We Do What We Do by Edward L. Deci

Get into the Flow in your Classrooom

There is an experience that happens in many of my classes…

Students get so enthralled in what they are doing that time disappears and learning transpires. I often wondered how this happened and how to teach other teachers how to experience this. And, then, I read Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.


Then, I watched his video:

Then I broke it down for myself. I understand that this does not capture anywhere near the book, but it is filtered through my experience in the classroom.

Here is the most simple breakdown of how we get in the flow in my classes.

Flow Definitions Slide2-2
