Innovation Lingo

My Innovation management class has been searching, gathering, and cataloging important terms in their innovation class. It has been exciting to see what new videos, products, ideas, and work experiences the students bring to class each week. We are very lucky to have some inspiring innovators among us. Here are a few concepts and terms we have looked at so far.




Innovation Management Class- week 2&3

Week 2~
Students broke up into groups of 4-5 students. They chose their own group. There was little guidance given besides the challenge- Snapple is asking the public for new cup designs, design one.

Students split off with their groups and began in many different directions. Some watched Americas Got Talent. Some drew cups. Some researched Snapple.

The groups created a list of tasks they thought they would need to work on for the week and dispersed. One group set up a shared drop box and Google doc to collaborate.

Week 3~
Students came together and the gamestorming began.
Terms came up such as disruptive innovation, lean innovation, strategy, competition, first mover advantage…


Tinker Toy Activity


I couldn’t find Tinker Toys, so we used K’Nex. It is the roller coaster one, but no one asked for directions or guidance so I didn’t tell them anything.

Based off:

Coff, R. W., & Hatfield, D. E. (2003). Tinkering in the class:using the tinker toy exercise to teach first mover advantage and the resource-based view. Journal of Strategic Management Education, 1(1)

Innovation Management Class

I am teaching an MBA course on innovation management. It is actually a cross between competitive strategy, innovation management, and strategic management. It is all coming together fairly nicely. I am a little concerned about how it will actually work. Here is the in class plan so far… There is a textbook they are reading as background (but I don’t think I like the book). I have supplemented the NASA book, as well.  The infographic is clickable and links work for the first 2/3 of the in class activities and such.


Crowdsourcing Challenge


Students were asked to find out what people think about Egoism. Do people think they are selfish? Do they think they can be or should be selfish?

Each group asked 50 people. They then presented the information on a poster. Students then voted (with sticky notes) on their favorite.


Business Ethics Final Project

We are coming to the end of my undergraduate business ethics course. I love teaching ethics, but business ethics is always a hard course to teach. This is mostly because the field is split on whether we attempt to create ethical business people or give themthe tools to stand up for ethical behavior. However, the course has gone well and this is the culminating project I am giving them.


Poster Competition!


When my students come to class, they are given a substantial amount of time to solve problems in creative ways… in teams.

This is an example from this week.

This is an introductory ethics course poster challenge. Students learned the ethical theory called Utilitarianism. They brainstormed the theory and then were told to come up with an ethical marketing campaign.

The students then voted on the poster they felt best conveyed the ethical cereal message.

They are pretty awesome!
P.s. the sticky notes are the votes. 1 sticky per person.

Business Ethics Piece

This is a piece of my Business Ethics Curriculum.

The students are reading

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.

The first day of class students formed teams and created fictitious companies.

The students must now assume a role in the company and interact with The 5 Dysfunctions book.

8 classroom hours will be spent on the book.

We will use activities from

Babson’s Giving Voice to Values and


as well.

We will then return to other learning strategies.


Creative Commons License
This work by Mia MacMeekin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.