9 Events in Instruction

I am about to embark on an infographic series based on the 9 events of learning. Though there may be newer research that expands these events, I will contain myself to Gagne and friends Events of Instruction.

This is the overview of the series. Each Event in the series will contain 27 tips of how to achieve the event in your classroom.

The series is soon coming to a computer near you!


Here is a reference for more information…

Gagne, R. M., Wager, W. W., Golas, K. C., & Keller, J. M. (2005). Principles of instructional
design. (5 ed., p. 195). Belmont: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.



5 thoughts on “9 Events in Instruction

  1. Pingback: 9 Events in Instruction | Contemporary Learning...
  2. Hi Mia! I love, love your Events in Instruction infographics! What an awesome idea! I’m wondering if you would be interested in featuring them on my Edutech for Teachers blog! Let me know! Jamie

    • Sure sounds like fun. I need to take a second look and make sure they are typo free. Would you like a .png for them? Let me know how you want to do it. I’m up for most anything!

  3. Mia, I love your infogaphics!!They’re really creative! This one about the 9 events in instruction called my attention because I was working with Sequencing with my students at the Teacher Training College. Then I dicovered the rest!! Could you show which are the 27 tips?

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