Pay attention, please…


it is the students who are bored


sometimes it is the instructor who is boring.

Engaged students pay attention.

Creative Commons License
This work by Mia MacMeekin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

58 thoughts on “Pay attention, please…

  1. Pingback: Pay attention, please… | magistra monson
  2. I do not agree with asking a stupid or pointing out a student that obviously isn’t paying attention a question. This will just embarrass them, which if the child already has self-esteem or social issues, it could only make them worse. Or if the child has behavioral or anger problems, this could escalate the child. While, I don’t agree that the teacher should just (always) ignore it, there are many more positive ways to go about it.

    • You are very right! Thanks for your post. Maybe we need 27 more ways. Usually when I point out I attention I have made a strong connection and know they can handle it. I guess the precursor is, know your students, right? Thanks for your words of wisdom!

  3. Sometimes it’s the child who isn’t making the best decision for his or her education. Sometimes, a student needs to check in with him/herself and ask if they’re doing their part. I know that I can tune out at a faculty meeting and become distracted, but I have an obligation to make an effort to pay attention and participate. I don’t think a field trip is an easy solution to a large problem.

    That being said, I DO like the chart. 🙂

  4. Thanks, Erica! My post is gone. Oh well… I will write it again. I think you guys are all bringing up great ideas. Maybe after the 27 more ways… we can do a 27 ways to liven up a faculty meeting.

    What you wrote reminded me of something that happened this week…
    I was sitting in on a guest speaker Tuesday- great guest speaker- VP from the Fed Reserve. The room was packed so faculty were standing along the walls as students were in the packed auditorium. A students next to me was on his cell phone the whole time. I was going to say something but didn’t. Mostly because he wasn’t my student and I didn’t know him, so I didn’t know the approach to take with him. So, I let him continue on with the cell phone. At the end, the speaker opened up the forum to questions and this student had so many in depth questions for the speaker. Extremely deep intelligent questions. I asked him afterwards where he got the questions and why he was asking so much about economics. He said he was researching the guest, the federal reserve, and the information she was sharing as she was talking because he knew very little about the Fed reserve. SoSOSo glad I didn’t make him put the phone away. Way to pay attention!!!!

  5. I DO agree to ask them a question if you think they are not paying attention. Sometimes the child can repeat word for word what was just said or answer the question correctly. You may ‘think’ they are not paying attention, but it IS sinking in. If they truly were not paying attention and they stumble over the answer, I would help them answer it correctly, without embarrassment or scowling.

  6. I agree with your move statement. When a student isn’t listening it is time to MOVE! Move them, move you, move something but get moving! These are great suggestions! I will definately discussing them in my staff meetings (which aren’t boring btw!). Thanks!

    • I keep hearing about boring faculty meetings (not ours either). How do you keep faculty from being bored (or grading papers the whole time)?

  7. Pingback: Pay attention, please... | Technology Tips for Teachers |
  8. Pingback: Ways to Engage Students | Ms. Schebel's Blog
  9. Pingback: Pay Attention, Please | South Florida Orff
  10. Pingback: Engaged students pay attention | Technology for Learning Delivery
  11. Pingback: Pedagogy | Pearltrees
  12. Pingback: | pinkteacher13
  13. Pingback: 27 Ways To Grab Attention Of Boring Students -
  14. Pingback: EdResearch | Pearltrees
  15. When teachers behave conscientiously, students are going to feel it. This feeling will indirectly and lovingly result in the student’s shying away when the teacher tries to win the student’s attention, but it is going to be rather effective if the teacher, with all that good rapport, can get a student involved through direct participation instead of addressing the student’s behavior bluntly. Thus, getting a student’s participation should dominate his/her senses so that the situation is redirected smoothly and spontaneously with no hard feelings.

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  18. Pingback: Bleanded Learning | Pearltrees
  19. Pingback: 27 Ways To Make Sure Students Pay Attention In Class | Teachers Tech
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  22. Pingback: 27 Ways To Make Sure Students Pay Attention In Class | Fluency21 – Committed Sardine Blog
  23. Pingback: 27 Things To Do When Students Aren’t Engaged | PikeMall Tech
  24. Pingback: Brillante Viernes: August 16, 2013 | Maris Hawkins
  25. Pingback: Pay Attention | Nicole Kellersberger
  26. Pingback: Pay attention, please... | history teaching ide...
  27. Pingback: Comment on Pay attention, please… by Pay...
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  30. Pingback: Pay attention, please… | Instructional Coach
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  32. Pingback: 27 Ways To Make Sure Students Pay Attention In Class | Global Digital Citizen Foundation
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  37. Pingback: Pay attention, please... | Informática E...
  38. Pingback: 27 Things to Do with Students who are Not Paying Attention | Amanda Steeley
  39. Pingback: 27 Ways To Make Sure Students Pay Attention In Class
  40. Pingback: To save my sanity | Pearltrees
  41. Pingback: Pay attention, please… | English – First Steps
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  43. Reblogged this on Rhondda's Reflections – wandering around the Web and commented:
    I like the opening lines above this infographic. Being a teacher for quite a few years now, and all my observations prove that that one of the most important things for a teacher in a class of young people is to remain passionate about your subject and about learning. The students at my school will forgive quite a lot if you have that passion. If you have that deep interest, chances are that you will also be constantly reading and developing your knowledge and looking for new ways for students to learn about it.
    The infographic offers a lot of practical ideas to be proactive about ways out of difficult moments without resorting to negative options.
    Keep the passion, maintain the fire for learning and enjoy the time you spend with developing minds.

  44. Pingback: What to do with Inattentive Students – Blessing's Portfolio

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