About Mia



Hi! Welcome to my blog…

… I was a student at the University of Massachusetts where a Conceptual Change Guru took me on as a work study student. I remember thinking, “How many articles can be written on the same subject?” There was an entire office filled with 5 foot filing cabinets filled with articles about how to teach more effectively. My job was to organize this room, these cabinets, and all the articles. I  then had to go and research more articles for future publications (mostly on microfiche at the time).

I began to research…

I slowly started to take the duplicate articles home and read them. At the same time, I was in undergraduate courses with  100+ students. Most of the classes were  lectures. I was so confused how upstairs we were finding that lecture may not be the only University_of_Massachusetts_Amherst_Online_MBA_Degree-1024x652way to learn and teach, while downstairs in the lecture halls we were only taught through lecture.  My first thought was, “They don’t know… they don’t know that they don’t have to lecture. Maybe they should read some of the research.”  After graduating 3 years later, I was sold that lectures were often a waste of time UNLESS they were coupled with something tangible I could grab onto.


lawI then decided that for the next few years I would be a stay-at-home mom… I had my first 2 children in college and just wanted to hang out with them. After I did that for a while, I needed a new hobby. Since I love research, school, and all that, I took the entrance exam for law school, and applied to a few local schools (just to see what would happen).

Since, the law school had an evening program, my husband and I thought, “Why not?” Law school was interesting, more lectures. But, these lectures were coupled with stories and stories and more stories from my professors’ real life experiences. I decided that lectures aren’t that bad as long as I am intrigued by the subject matter.. or the stories. Needless to say, I only remember a few courses, but I remember most of their stories. I decided that if I were ever going to teach law, I would bring the students into my life as a lawyer, let them experience law.


13533172_1141022392586367_7829087321391513772_nI then began to think, “Is there a way to teach material to people who are not interested in a way that they will retain the knowledge?” My first guinea pigs were my children. By the time I had graduated from law school I had 4 children and a friend who homeschooled tried to convince me to homeschool.  Since I was so academically minded, I wondered if it were possible. Would I be hindering my kids… then I thought about the degrees my husband and I had between us and thought, “Why not.”  I loved teaching my children the same material their friends were learning in traditional schools, BUT in a way that actually meant something to them. My oldest is artistic and creative. My second is a mechanical genius (especially to my untechnical soul), my third child talks and sings through her lessons, and my fourth is interested in everything under the sun. It opened my eyes to different learning worlds and needs. The experiment worked.


13466019_10209821697607947_444748033937950894_nAfter a period of time at home I went back to work and Did the Lawyer Thing (still do a bit). I still enjoy being a lawyer, but I came across another amazing adventure. And that adventure is what this blog is all about: Teaching those learners that need more than a lecture.

College Teaching

I began teaching at a University as a favor. They needed a business law instructor. videoPlaceholderI was starting my own law firm and needed the extra income. Little did I know that I got completely enchanted by education. I am able to be creative and teach the tough subjects that are often boring. I started out with the dreaded Powerpoint. I needed to make sure they knew what I was talking about. Then, I realized that most of the subjects were familiar to the students in some way. It took me all the way back to Conceptual Change models and UMass. I realized that the students knew legal topics, but they had misconceptions (especially international students).I realized that I was assuming things, and overlooking other things. By my 2nd and 3rd terms, I began each class with large paper and Markers. I needed to find out what they knew and why. I needed them to be comfortable with each other so they would challenge each other. I needed team-based learning and a lot more dissonance. I also needed to know why the students were doing what they were doing and how I could help them be as enthralled with the subject matter as I was. So…

Back to College

Business objects

I decided that I needed more education. I needed to know the theories and techniques. I, also, needed to do it from home. And, since we were now in the internet world, I could do it online. I went to a competency based online college for a masters degree in curriculum and instruction. I thought about putting my whole life on hold (law firm, teaching, family stuff) and get a doctorate from a traditional school. But, I was no longer traditional. And, I already have a doctorate… I just wanted the information, not the degree.

I was a bit leery of online colleges at first because I came from large on-ground colleges and universities. But, I learned so much, and got everything I needed to create a new classroom experience.

This Blog

Woman showing blank tablet computer screen
This blog was birthed out of that experience. I needed to complete a Capstone. I chose to do it on a subject I was teaching- Ethics. A friend found out I was teaching ethics and said, “Mia, just make sure it’s not boring. Every ethics training I go to is boring.” I assured her, “Oh, I don’t do anything boring… anymore.” This blog started with my research on gamification and teaching anything without a lecture. It was my life mission to be an everlasting memory in my student’s learning experience, through non-boring methods of teaching.


bloom verbsThe first way I thought to be non-boring was through images. I love to take complicated subjects and break them down into simple, easy to understand pieces. I do this with my clients in law and my students in class.

So I searched for a way to do it for others. I found Piktochart.com. I tried it out. I used the templates, then started making my own infographics. I, then through up a few on Pinterest and on this blog… and people actually liked them as much as me. So, I thought, “Why not?”

Everytime I encounter a problem, I research how others have solved it (and what the researchers say), I practice them on my students, I talk to other teachers about the ideas, then I make an infographic. The infographic is simply taking complex issues, breaking them down, and offering solutions. It is just the tip of the iceberg.

There is so much more behind them. SO much research. SO much discussion with others. So, if you read one of them, dig deeper. Go beyond the simplicity and ask, “Why not?”

Teaching Online

Online Learning Message Showing Web LearningI, then started to teach a business law class online.  At first I wondered if I could have the same relationship with my students online as I do online. And, I am here to let you know…. Yes! It’s possible. It even takes away some of the barriers to dissonance. I love teaching online.

Epigogy, Inc Launched


Then, I decided to take all this to the next level. I found a couple of those colleagues that I used to pass things by and asked them to join me. They, too believed that education needs to change. So, we formed Epigogy. The mission of Epigogy, Inc. is to provide cutting edge guidance and training to leverage current research and technology to enhance learning at all levels. Visit us at epigogy.org

And that’s a little about the behind the scenes story…



62 thoughts on “About Mia

  1. Apologies. You claim that these are the needs of teachers. Still don’t believe this is true in most cases where I teach, but possibly in high school and post-secondary. I just don’t believe any elementary school teacher would claim this to be what teachers need. What I think we really need is more time and space to be allowed to be inspirational and creative. I do love many of your thoughtful posts. Especially the recent infographics.

    • Hi Patrick. Thanks for the post. I actually think we might be on the same page. And you are really reading between the lines (very impressive!) on a lot of stuff we are doing behind the scenes. I guess you are referring to the “about” section… It is a little out dated. I need to update a bit of what has happened since… And I left out lots of stuff. It is always a balancing act with how much you tell the world.

      Here are a few answers:
      I did start out in elementary education- mostly the older elementary. I think I might have worked with all age groups now. The infographics have spoken to a wider range than I ever imagined!

      Epigogy is getting a makeover very soon. I had thought about the website going dark until then (Saturday we meet with IT). Maybe it still should. i will think on it. It has also morphed since the original launch. We were focusing only on one part of education and now others, including corporations, want help being more creative. So we are doing trainings in multiple arenas. And, like you said, teachers want more creative time to explore things. But, testing and other new mandates are stifling the creativity. So how do we balance it all? I do think it can be done….

      So Epigogy is “agile,” too. I learned that term from corporate world. Our focus is still to focus on the teacher or leader of the group and empower them.

      Hope that helps!

  2. Mia,
    Could my organizaiton, the Association of American Educators use your morphing 21st century graphic for our newsletter. If so, would you mind sending me the original graphic?

  3. How do you go about creating your amazing graphics? Are there any particular programs that you use? Do you have some graphic design experience in addition to everything else you’ve mentioned? Thanks so much for sharing.

    • HI! I use Piktocharts. I don’t have any experience in this. I just get ideas and think it would be exciting to combine it with good content. It’s just fun. Glad you like them!

  4. Well, great minds must think alike as I found your posters on TeachThought and am counting the ways I would like to use with my staff. Sounds like many others are too! May I take you up on your offers above for a few jpegs? I will send you an email. Thanks!

      • Mia, I have been enthralled by your visual fabulousness and have attempted several times to copy/paste your posters to no avail…! I am a high school Spanish teacher and am always looking for more appealing ways to keep the important “bullet points” at my finger tips—as well as my colleagues and administrators. Would absolutely love to get my hands on them so that they can be copied (only to remain in school) and laminated for our staff. I have read your conditions above…what might I do to get the process started if you are a willing participant in sharing? I’ve spent hours the past few days drooling over the simplicity yet the abundance of your posters!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Mia – Came across your inspirational blog and infographics today. Love your work!!! Just the thinking we want to inspire in our teachers!!!!

  6. Love it, creative, interesting, different. I am interested in the 27 ways .. are these available for purchase or for use in a classroom.

  7. Hi Mia!
    I´m from Peru, and I want to share some of your infographics with the teacher I worked with, but not all of them understand english so I was wondering if you can give me your permission to translate them, since your CC licence says “no derivation”. Of course, your name and the original link will be included. (Sorry for the bad english).

  8. Good morning! My 21st Century Learning Team loves the infographic “27 Ways to Encourage Teamwork” and I was wondering if we could print and display this infograph. Much appreciated!

  9. Hi Mia,
    I’m so inspired by your blog. When I first encountered an infographic years ago I knew I was hooked on this brilliant visual way of capturing interests to intrinsically motivate a desire to learn and read more about a topic. When I ran across one of your infographics, I naturally wondered if there were more and I’ve now spent an hour or two reading, looking, exploring and learning (on my day off I might add). Thank you so much for you work, insightful thoughts, and inspiring visual displays of content. I work as a Digital Learning Facilitator for elementary schools in a school system and even looking at the way you used the same image with your name had me thinking of how I could share this with teachers and students and tap into that visual learning when we try and create those “best” learning environments and activities.

    • Thanks! Everything we start with now in our workshops is some sort of visual exercise. It gets people out of the ordinary and starts them thinking creatively.
      It’s way more fun… And long lasting.

  10. I love your Reflective Practice infographic! I would love to print it and use it in the staff rooms of our childcare centres. Would you be able to send it to me as a jpeg?

  11. Your blog is wonderful – I have dabbled with creating info graphics – but yours are amazing. Is there a limit to the use? May I have Office Depot reproduce several for my Beginning Teacher orientation? Are posters permitted?

  12. Mia…can I have access to the pics in your dropbox….I teach elementary school technology and would love to put some up in my classroom.Thanks

  13. Oh, Mia, you are a dream come true! You even encourage more comments (input) by responding to the previous comments! You are amazing. Guess what? I went to UMass, too! Amherst, that is – and I still live here! I graduated in ’83.
    We are on such the same wavelength it’s amazing! I am currently enrolled at the University of Wisconsin-Stout in an online graduate certificate in online learning and teaching. It’s totally exciting to me. I’d so love to meet you and get together. Are you still in Massachusetts? Thank you for sharing so much! Take care, I would LOVE to hear from you. Ruth

      • We’re done with the snow now, PTL! (Praise the Lord! 🙂 Although there are still some pockets lying around, waiting to melt. Well, Mia, You just sound so happy wherever you are, and I am so happy for you being your genuine self in the world.
        Would you give me permission to use your beautiful owl tree Bloom’s taxonomy pic in my online final project? We are definitely using Bloom’s (revised) taxonomy to deal with assessment, which makes me happy! I would deeply appreciate having your written permission to use your beautiful graphic as a way of explaining Bloom’s to readers. Its beauty attracts people’s interest in the subject.
        Thanks for being you.

  14. Hi Mia

    I have done loads of research for effective teaching and learning and what teachers need to know and do to enhance learner achievement. Your information and the way you present it got me on to researching more about infographics. I have seen many now – but yours are simply brilliant. Many thanks. I have now found your page/blog and find your story very inspiring. I hope our paths cross one day.

  15. Mia, I would love to use your infographics in my classroom. What’s the best way to print them? Could you send a jpeg of building background knowledge, 27 Ways to Greet Students, Getting Students Attention, and anything else you would like to share would be great!

  16. I love what you’re doing here and enjoyed hearing the backstory behind it! Did you know over half of our students are visual learners? I know I am, and I would much rather read a colorfully illustrated infographic than listen to a lecture or read a text. Thank you for making things like this available to teachers for FREE.

  17. Mia, your blog is amazing. I am a Spanish Teacher in the Monterey Peninsula and I love all your beautiful and inspirational infographics. Time ago, I was searching on the web and looking for Bloom’s Taxonomy Pyramid and I found you Bloom’s Owl.
    I was so happy!!! I love owls and for me that was excellent. Now I found your blog, I am just fascinated with all the infographics.
    I would like to ask you for some of your infographics and see if I can enlarge them to be laminated and use them with my classes.

  18. hello Mia
    I would love to translate the Innovation poster in french for my high school kids here in Oakville. I would send you the final copy for your approval and it would never be sold, just posted in my classroom. Please let me know if that’s possible I would so appreciate it.

  19. Mia: Just gave your site a thumbs-up in the Teachonomers Facebook group. Have admired your An Ethical Island work for probably four years now. So well-targeted and applicable every day of the year, teaching or not.

  20. Mia, I love your posts and I thought I have to tell you that I started to use some of your infographics and posters in my classroom. They are really creative and inspirational. I teach ESL in some of the vocational colleges in the Middle East. Thank you very much for all the time and ideas that you are sharing with us. Please keep the great job. (bushraal@hotmail.com).

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