Please, I need you to participate…

I was observing some classes this week and wondering why some students

feel safe enough to share more than they should


why other students sit quietly in the back.

I know the quiet ones have so much depth and important things to say. But, how do we get them to open up?

These are some of the ways I have noticed students more willing to participate in class.


Creative Commons License
This work by Mia MacMeekin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

18 thoughts on “Please, I need you to participate…

  1. Pingback: Please, I need you to participate... | Cuestiones de aprendizaje, error y otros aspectos didácticos. |
  2. Great to see so many practical ways of engaging students. Useful to remind teachers of the ‘how’ behind the reasons.
    You can boil all of these down to:
    Power (being heard)


  3. Pingback: Please, I need you to participate… | religioustudiesblog
  4. Pingback: Please, I need you to participate... | ESL EFL ...
  5. Pingback: Methodology | Pearltrees
  6. Pingback: EdResearch | Pearltrees
  7. Pingback: Please, I need you to participate... | Formatio...
  8. You meant to say, “Teachers, be still to let the students speak.” or maybe “Teachers, be still and let the students speak.” Either one work work.

  9. Pingback: Please, I need you to participate... | My Engli...
  10. Pingback: Please, I need you to participate... | TEFL Bec...
  11. Pingback: Varios | Pearltrees

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